Your Best Days are in Front of You!

Do you remember where you were when the Jamaican sprinters got 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the 200m? I certainly do my dad is Jamaican and that was another memorable moment to add to the many of the London 2012 Olympics. What shocked me though is that it felt like just yesterday that I had first heard about Usain Bolt and boy do you remember that 100m semi-final in Beijing when he just coasted after about 70m. How many of us had even heard of Usain Bolt five years ago?

Doesn’t time fly? Did you know it was just over 10 years ago that the iPod and iTunes was first introduced and the first iPhone about five years ago? Although we are used to these products now, a decade ago that technology and the impact of them was unheard of by most of us. It was less than 10 years that we first saw Google pay per click, then later Facebook was launched and now Twitter and Blackberry Messenger just over five years ago but could you imagine the world now without those applications.

The IT sector is literally transforming the way we live our lives but it doesn’t take a decade to see dramatic change we are experiencing dramatic development in just 5 years. With the pace of change continuing I predict that this will mean major developments occur in just 2/3 years.

“People tend to underestimate what they can achieve in 10 years and overestimate what they can achieve in one” is what we have been taught. I am not suggesting that this is not the case however using a ten year planning framework is too long to plan. By all means we need the long term vision but we also need to be considering where we’ll be in the next 5 years and making plans for that. You see we just have no idea what developments will have made their way into the mainstream in the next ten years. Everyone one of us whether in our careers or in our businesses have to be continually learning, developing and anticipating what is to come.

Don’t rest on your laurels or dwell about how great things were in the past, forget about the good old days, stop complaining about life , just look to the future with the right focus, appropriate strategy and determination you can literally transform your life in just five years.

I really believe for those of us who take on the mantel and are willing to dare to step outside of our comfort zones we can design a life beyond our dreams. Five years will fly by so take action now to ensure you arrive there in style. Imagine in that time period all of the below are possible.

–          You can get out of debt

–          You can do a degree and a Masters/Phd

–          You can start and establish a business

–          You can see your children through primary school or secondary school

–          You can support your children through university

–          You can start a church

–          You can write a book become an bestseller and successful speaker

–          You can start a new career or  establish yourself as an expert in your existing career

–          You can design, work on, develop the next transformation in transportation,   technology, entertainment or education this list goes on.

Don’t take this month’s message lightly. It is time to ensure that you have discovered your purpose and if you already have then are you are living it passionately every single day. Let’s revive those dreams and start working on them now. Your best days are yet to come.