How To… Be an Effective Non-Executive Director

It’s been 13 years since the publication of the Higgs Review which examined the role of a non-executive director (NED) on the board. With boards now having to consider more than traditional compliance, stewardship and strategic functions, the role of the NED is even more critical. Board members should be considering Emergent Strategy, Generative Governance

The CORE Assurance Framework

As a board member, has this thought ever crossed your mind? “The buck stops with me so I reserve the right to check what I want, ask for what I want, in as much detail as I want, at a time that’s convenient to me.” An effective board member will always be keen to ensure

The 7 Traits of Highly Effective Board Members

Reflective practice is a crucial part of good governance as it helps us to learn from mistakes and best practice, to determine the differences between good and poor governance and to help us in the training and development of existing and future board members.   More importantly, being aware of how effective you are as

Lessons Learned in Banking and Housing

Subsequent to this, Lord Myners was also commissioned by the Board at the Co-operative Group Limited to conduct a comprehensive review of their governance. It is good practice to do a spot check on the organisations that we govern by systematically and diligently working through reports like these to ensure that we learn from them.

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