How to master your power, influence and presence in the virtual environment

Rule 1 – Smile even if you don’t feel like it Communication across any of the plethora of virtual platforms now available, means that every individual of working age, needs to establish or re-establish a symbiotic relationship with their respective machine(s). Yes, I gest (ever so slightly) but we should be mindful that the people

How can you plan for the new normal?

However, it’s highly likely that as lockdown eases and the Government encourages more business to reopen, remote working – along with flexible hours and online meetings – is likely to become the new normal. So how can we guide ourselves and our teams through these unchartered waters? What new policies, systems and procedures will we

The Governor’s Take on Governance – Part 1

Before we get into the more in-depth questions – and explore WHY we still see the same corporate failures 25 years after various codes have been in operation – I think it is important to answer questions such as: What do we mean by corporate governance? What is good governance? What is important for effective

Avoiding Unforced Errors in the Boardroom – Part 2

  In order to reduce unforced errors, boards should take time out to reflect on the items within their control as a board and to execute good governance consistently across those areas.   I’ve put together a top 10 of examples of unforced errors in the boardroom.   Ten examples of unforced errors in the

Avoiding Unforced Errors in the Boardroom

I first heard the term ‘unforced error’ when I was watching my son playing football. A close friend of mine, a former professional player, said that my son hadn’t needed to make a pass that was intercepted by a defender and that it was an unforced error. The concept fascinated me and for then on,

The tgf Governance Code – Part 3

  This code has 7 Principles as follows:   Organisational purpose; Leadership; Integrity; Decision-making, risk and control; Board effectiveness; Diversity; Openness and accountability.   All 7 Principles can be related to how an organisation executes their responsibilities. When considering how the board executes their duties, organisations could consider:   How far decisions are line with

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