The Black Swan

If you’ve read my previous blogs and articles, or my book The Effective Board Member, you will know that I use the concept of The Governance Forum (TGF) Zoo to identify the dysfunctional behaviours that some board members display. There are 12 animals in my zoo including the sheep, representing ‘groupthink’ and passively following others,

We didn’t ask for this.

Even in the face of many opposing views to the main findings there is a cognitive dissonance from the commission that is an insult to the very real pain and suffering experienced by black people up and down the UK; and it is offensive to the growing number of people – black and white –

Apply and Explain, how to do it.

Let me explain why I believe that it is in times of crisis, uncertainty and challenge, that we need a barometer with which we can measure performance, sustainability and how the leadership are responding. You see, it is at these times that stakeholders need clear, concise and transparent communication, not only to understand the implications

You’re on Mute! – No it is time to speak, if not now then when?

Now is the time to dismantle structural racism once and for all. The long-overdue need to tackle a woeful lack of racial diversity in the leadership of many of our organisations, is finally getting the attention it deserves. We are living in a rapidly developing global business environment where technological advances, climate change, the current

To read or not to read, that is the question!

Let’s face it, being a non-executive director has its pluses and minuses and a big ‘minus’ in terms of the demand on our time, comes in the form of reading board meeting papers. As a non-executive director how do you prepare for a board or committee meeting? You will of course be aware that you

Radical change on RACE is a MUST

We’ve made some progress down the years. The case for diversity and inclusion and good practice are now better established among many communities, companies and public bodies. But, let’s be honest, we have only achieved marginal gains not radical change in recognising policies that perpetuate racial inequity between racial groups and dismantling them. I believe

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